Monday, 8 April 2013

Tuas adalah mesin ringkas (simple machine) yang boleh membantu kita melakukan kerja dengan lebih mudah.

Tuas (lever) adalah suatu batang/bar tegar (rigid bar) yang boleh bergerak/berputar bebas pada satu titik tetap yang dipanggil fulkrum (fulcrum) apabila suatu daya (effort) dikenakan keatasnya untuk mengatasi daya lain yang menentang yang dikenali sebagai beban (load).

Tuas digunakan untuk memberikan kelebihan mekanikal (mechanical advantage) dalam menghantar atau mengubah (transmitting or modifying) daya dan gerakan.

Sistem tuas (lever system) membolehkan suatu beban yang berat dipindahkan dari satu titik ke titik yang lain dengan menggunakan daya (effort) yang minima. Ini boleh membantu mengurangkan tenaga.

Tuas boleh dikelaskan kepada 3, iaitu:
  1. Tuas kelas pertama (first class levers)
  2. Tuas kelas kedua (second class levers)
  3. Tuas kelas ketiga (third class levers)

Perbezaan antara kelas-kelas tuas adalah berdasarkan kedudukan beban (load), daya (effort) dan fulkrum (fulcrum).

Setiap kelas tuas mempunyai dua daya, iaitu, beban (load) dan daya/usaha (effort).

Jarak diantara beban dan fulkrum dipanggil jarak beban (distance of load, symbol: l).

Jarak diantara daya (effort) dan fulkrum dipanggil jarak daya (distance of effort, symbol: e).

Monday, 1 April 2013

what is copyright

copyright is legal right given to the owner of a copyright to preven other from copying an artistis works,literary,dramatic or muzic work .only the copyright owner has the legal right right to reproduce the work in any from and has the right to sue other who copy or distribute unauthirized work without the copyright owner's permision .

the owner of copyright has the special right to do and authorize the following : 

 to reproduce the work .

 to prepare copied works based upon the work .

 to distribute copies of  ownerchip,or by rental,lease,orlending .

 to disallow other persons from using the work without permision .

 to cary out the work publicly .

 to disllow other persons from using the work without permision .

 copyright protection in malaysia is govermed by the copyright act 1987 . there is no system or registration for copyright in malaysia .a work that is eligible is protectedautomatically upon fulfillment of the following condotoins .

suffcient effort has been expectad to make to work original in chacactad . 

the work has been written down,recorded or reduced to a material form ;

the author is qualifed person or the work is made in malaysia or the work is first published in malaysia .

copyright symbol 

abbreviated as (c) or (c) .

copyright violation (breaking or copyright law)

a person who does not own the copyright.and without license from the owner or does not have permission in any or the following acts has broken the copyright law.

use resourees onlyfor anademic assignment and officat education and research not reprodaced in any material from to the public.

resources are not to be used for bisiness purposes or private gain.

chaging of system setrina is net allowed.

E-mail massages should be brief,ascasional and should indicate the sender' strue identity.

send no obseenae or harassing massages in any format in violation any appicable law.